Haloween is celebrated on 31 October each year. It is a tradition that originated from the ancient Celtic festival where people would wear costumes and light bonfires to ward off ghosts and mystic creatures to safeguard themselves. But in modern times, it has become a source of joy and happiness in the Christian world as it is enjoyed through various activities such as trick or treats, wearing costumes, gathering treats, etc. One of the main festivities includes decorating the house ad that's what this blog is all about.
Part 1:The Best Halloween Decorated House Ever
1. Ghost Manor
Situated in NewOrleans, the mansion is famous for Haloween theme decorations every year. The show starts at night with dark-themed lights and around sixty pumpkins for amusement. Then LEDs mounted on the windows show ghosts moving around the house, followed by creepy-eyed monsters waiting to be seen. After that, the electrifying performance of the mighty skeletons takes place, which is a sight to behold. There are also animated background dancers on the top floor of the mention, which are in perfect harmony with the singing skeletons. This electrifying band plays about half a dozen songs before the night ends. The house is further decorated with cheesecloth ghosts, colored lightings, and smoke emitting skulls.
Since Haloween is a festival occurring once a year. It is important to make it a memory for ages to come. Therefore, Filme offers Fast mode templates for occasions like birthdays, holidays, travel, and many more so that you can choose your desired category to apply the effect you want to use.
2. Terror in Timberidge
Holman Lehigh county is home to one of the best-decorated houses for Haloween. Two cousins were fans of this festival from their childhood, and, together, they created the Halloween delight named Terror in Timberidge, which attracts thousands of visitors each year. The house is filled with realistic dolls and haunted figures that seem to amuse the children ironically. The dim lights with colored shades cover the house at night. Furthermore, the smoke-themed lawn provides the fear factor that is required during Halloween. A day later, the live-action stars also join the festival at the house to further enlighten the festival.
3. A Nightmare to Maple Avenue
In Rahway, there is a house known to people as the perfect amusement during Haloween. It is called Nightmare to Maple Avenue, founded by Mike D'emilio. He has a nag to built machines, and having made Haloween props seems to be the perfect chance for him to show off his skills. He has decorated his house for two decades now with around 20 designed props under his name to date. Similar to previous winners of decorated houses, the shadow-themed colored lights covered with smoke seem to be the tradition but what makes this house stand out are the props. Since Mike has manually designed these himself, they add a sentimental value to the house as well. The props are life-like, each having a different story. For instance, a prop has a saw cutting its leg or a flesh-eating zombie. These, along with other life-like props, make this Halloween destination the sole winner of all.
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10 Easy DIY Halloween Decoration Ideas to get ready for Halloween
1. Bloody Candles
What's better than scaring the children with a horror story with blood involved in it? There are many Halloween decoration videos where you can find crazy ideas regarding them. There is one you can try for yourself. Have candles of two colors: a red one and a white one. Now melt the red candle and pour the wax onto the red candle. It will create a blood-like effect and will be an attractive Halloween decoration.
2. Chilling Hand-shaped Ice
You have some special guests coming around. Wouldn't it be exciting to scare them by having floating red hands in their drinks? We have searched through many Halloween house decorations videos to find a gem for you. All you need to do is to find a latex glove and some water. Freeze it and done! You have an ice hand in which you can serve your guests some beverages. Have fun!
3. Scary Light-up Eyes
This might be the coolest gadget of them all. Maybe the best you can find through most of the popular Halloween decoration videos. The lightable scary eyes. You just need to find touch-on lights, some colored markers, and a mirror to see your pretty eyes. Now make a caricature version of them, and you're done.
4. Spooky Ghost
What's better than an actual ghost-like object greeting the visitors! Here's how you can make one. Just gather a jar, some sticks, and tape. Now put a cheesecloth fabric on it and spray some fabric stiffener on it. Wait for some time, and behold! A live creature is present. Just add some eyes to it and enjoy their reactions!
5. Floating Candles
You can find many ideas from Halloween decoration videos, but this one is a classic! All you need is an empty paperboard core. Put some glue on it from a glue gun. Now spray some white paint on it. Now put a candle-shaped light on it to create a realistic-looking candle. Now tie a fishing line on it and let it float!
6. Crayon Melting Madness
As Haloween's main theme revolved around the pumpkin, then what's better to let your creativity wander while you're at it? All you need to do is to take a pumpkin and glue some colorful crayons around it. Now melt then using a blow-dryer and there! You have a rainbow-inspired pumpkin as a decoration.
7. Spider Pumpkin
Want a spider made outta pumpkins greeting the visitors. We have a special DIY for you. Take some pumpkin and add pipe cleaners to it. There you have the bottom body of the spider. Now take a small pumpkin and add eyes to it. To connect this head to the body, you need a toothpick. Now make a smiley face on it, and you have a happy pumpkin spider as a new friend this Halloween.
8. Glow in the Dark Pumpkin
Don't have a tie to try the difficult ones? We have a very easy DIY for you this Halloween! Take a pumpkin and paint it black. Now add some colored paper on the shape of eyes and a creepy smile. Color these with glow-in-the-dark paint. There you have a simple yet scary artifact.
9. Flying Bats
This is another DIY for the busy white-collar personnel who don't have time to go through every Halloween decoration video to find their mojo. Take out black cardboard and cut it in the shape of wings. Paint a small pumpkin in black. Now take the white cardboard to make some gloomy eyes. Attach them all together, and you have some cute bats flying around your house.
10. Googly Eyed Pumpkins
Presenting you the easiest DIY of them all. It requires only three things. Paint of your choice. Small eyepieces and a pumpkin. The steps are intuitive. Paint the pumpkin and add countless eyepieces to it. You have made for yourself one of the monsters from Monsters, Inc. movie.
Bonus Tip
Since this festival arrives after a year, it's better to freeze these moments forever. Ho about shooting a vlog while doing these activities? But making a vlog requires some serious effort. The most time-consuming aspect is the editing. But we have just the right remedy for you. Just download Filme and free yourself with all the editing hassles. It comes with easy-to-use tools with tutorials to make you a pro in a matter of minutes. Download now and become Casey Neistat!
How to Make a Simple Vlog during Your Decoration for Halloween
iMyFone Filme
Editing is the most time-consuming process in all of vlogging. Plus, it takes considerable effort to learn the process. Nowadays, you need easy-to-understand applications that won't take months to grasp the concept. Fortunately, iMyFone Filme is one of them. Users can create slideshows and videos without any prior knowledge of the subject. It has an easy-to-use interface that helps the users perform various functions easily. Also, it is intuitive, so anything you need to make is all in the tools. It is present in such a manner that you will edit and create your videos like a pro.
iMyFone Filme
Wonderful Features of iMyFone Filme
User-friendly, without any technical knowedge required to edit your videos.
Easy to get multiple scary resources for Halloween, with no extra fee at all.
Free to try the editor, during which you can check the compability.
Able to share Halloween video on social media directly.
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Step 1: Download High-quality Royalty-free Material Online
Pexel and Mixkit are two websites recommended by many professional video-creators
Step 2: Upload Your Shooting Video
Import the video shot by you, reflecting the wonderful time you spent with your whole family
Step 3: Add Spooky Effects to Stun Your Friends and Fans
Add dynamic background resources, spooky intros and outros to make your Halloween video eye-catching.
Step 4: Use Scary Sound Effects to Create Creepy Vibe
Since you want to create a Scary Halloween video, you need to change the voice of your video to the monster's voice. Well, try scary voice changers in FIlme to make your video more Halloweenish!
In this regard, you need to detach the audio by right-clicking on the video file.
After you double-click the detached audio clip, several voices changing effects will pop up afterward. After selecting any scary voice effect, your van hit '' OK''.