Having acquiesced to the potency of videos, it might then be necessary to take it up a notch higher. This is where after effects and extra edits might come in. Therefore, after effects templates are great tools for creating a new level of enhancement for any kind of video and can give the video a new perspective and concept.
Part 1: What is After Effects ?
Having acquiesced to the potency of videos, it might then be necessary to take it up a notch higher. This is where after effects and extra edits might come in. Therefore, after effects templates are great tools for creating a new level of enhancement for any kind of video and can give the video a new perspective and concept. Adobe After Effects is a very potent tool if one seeks to achieve video enhancement from the erstwhile boring raw video format. It is popular and in heavy usage in the making of films, games, and content for TV.
One way to take your video from the ordinary to the extraordinary is to make use of After Effects templates. These templates have been designed to make life easier for you. How? There would be no need to do things from the scratch. Rather, with the application of the templates, the desired special effects would be activated. All it takes is to have an idea and then some raw images and videos. The next point of consideration would then be how to decide on the template to make use of in a video. It is common to be stuck with this dilemma. This is because there are several After Effects templates that are available.
But one might be a little confused on what each of these templates does and what particular effects they might have upon application. This is why this article was specially designed and put together to take a look at the top ten After Effects templates that one can use in the embellishment of a video. Whether a creative spark is being sought for, or a cinematic feel is desired, After Effects templates are just the perfect answer.
Part 2: Top 11 After Effects Templates
1 Filme
When looking to make a video without necessarily having to do lots of editing work, then Filme should be the first thing to come to mind. Packed with impressive tools and features, anyone can transform simple videos into astonishing works of art. It supports multilayering of videos, detaching audio files for editing, and also allows preview of videos even while editing. Those Filme does not out rightly have free After Effect Templates, but you can use its create features to professional standard.

iMyFone Filme
Your Best After Effects Templates !
Download Now2Vibrance Flow Template
This template which was developed by Mdlabdesign is a great choice if one is seeking a cinematic feel to a video opener. It also gives a certain level of inspirational vibe and is a perfect choice if social media is the intended destination of the video. All that is to be done after deploying the template is to edit the text and include the custom message that is to go with the video. Photos and video clips can then be included and every other adjustment can follow. Before the final video is rendered, it would be wise to adjust factors such as the color.
3Breaking News Intro Template
The breaking news After Effect template is one very powerful template that can be used to unveil your video or concept by making use of very stunning effects . It combines many individually stunning effects to give the edited media a much-needed enhancement. It is also a cool effect when the intended finished result might be desired in a documentary form. It was designed by Invisible Artist and is a popular choice for folks who want to have the view-shattering effect that a ‘breaking news’ would normally have.
4FRESCO Creative Slideshow
If the intended destination industry is the fashion or lifestyle industry, then here is an After Effects template that is all but perfect. Optimal for fashion designers and content creators for lifestyle, this creative slideshow gives a unique color and brightness to whatever video it is being deployed upon. If the content is of the social type, then that desired life is what the Fresco template would successfully inject into the media project. It achieves its effects through the use of animated blocks and was designed by Mdlabdesign.
5Glitch Reflection
This is one template that is easy to catch the eye. If one is looking at unveiling a logo, then this is just the right template to deploy in the media project. It comes with a very futuristic feel and creates an unusual effect with both the logo reveal as well as the entire video project. Created by NMotion, it can also be an ideal choice to use in the event of a video that intends to promote the release of a video game.
6Desktop Website Presentation 2 in 1
After Effects templates are not just exclusively for video projects. When websites are designed After Effects templates can be employed to create a means of showing the client what has been done. In this case, the Desktop Website Presentation template would be the perfect pick. With this template, one can successfully show the various features that are present in the website which might include the style and design, the user experience features as well as the tools and sections that are present on the website. It was designed by Motion Media Group and can be the go-to template for the display of digital work and content.
7Transitions Pack
Making videos and media could sometimes involve multiple single media files. Moving from one media to another within the project has to be done with creative precision to give the overall project a professional feel. To achieve that effect, the transitions pack from Premiumilk is just the best bet.
It consists of hundreds of transition effects that would ensure the transition from one preceding media to a subsequent one is seamless and professional. Transitioning in media edition is one singular effect that can make or mar a project. When the transition feels too rushed or amateur, it eventually plays out on the entire project, irrespective of the other amazing effects that might have been employed in the other sections of the project. When the transition is fully handled in the most professional presentation, then only little is left to deliver an outstanding project. To achieve this, the transition pack might just be the template option to go for.
8Corporate Infographics Charts Pack
The corporate world is not left out when it comes to the use of After Effects to garnish a presentation. In the event of a business presentation, the infographics charts from Motion Media Group should be at the top of the priority list. With this template, putting together a report should be a walk in the park. This is because it comes with tools that data visualization much easier, thanks to its composition of timelines, graphs and, pie charts. There are over eighty (80) compositions as well as over sixty (60) icons that can be used to enhance that report or presentation and give it a glossy, more professional outlook.
9100 Clean Tiles
The power of storytelling cannot be overemphasized. Hence, when storytelling is matched with a solid media project, the effects are bound to be striking. This said effect can however be taken several notches higher through the employment of an After Effect template. For this purpose, one should look no further than the 100 clean tiles template from Motion Theory Studio. It comes with a minimal design that maintains a very modern outlook while offering a generous addition to whatever media project it might be employed in. Boasting options such as brand names, copy lines as well as quotes, one can be expected to get as creative as possible when employing this template on a project. With any video project, the storytelling effect can be further deepened with this template and the intended message passed even clearer.
10Memory Sketch CS5
When making a movie, there might be a need to inject an artistic feel to the project. With the memory sketch template, every movie project can be transformed into a stunning work of art and creativity. This is thanks to the collection it boasts of. This collection includes a feature that renders the images as brush drawings that come with a crisp, warm effect. In the end, the finished project can have a warm, personalized effect. With the memory sketch template, every creator can become an artist, and the creativity that comes with artistic effects can be easily unleashed on each work.
11Ink TitlesCS6
While media files are being cut and joined together to form beautiful works of art and creativity, one very essential element of media projects are the texts. Texts play very important roles in defining media projects and giving a certain creative feel to the overall work. With the ink titles template, texts are not forgotten and a lingering effect can be set with the captions pack that it comes with. This would best be employed with title credits and intros, and should not be ignored when counting After Effects templates that should be found in one’s toolbox.