Despicable Me 4 is another impressive entry in the highly popular animated franchise's illumination studio. The main theme of Despicable Me 4 sees the family and protagonist adjusting to the newest arrival.

This guide explains everything thing about the voice actors in Despicable Me 4 and will assist you in producing sound-like voices in Despicable Me.

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Part 1. Voice Actors in Despicable Me 4

1. Gru - Steve Carell

Steve Carell, voice behind Gru, born in Concord in 1962 and is also known as the role Michael Scott in The Office. Gru has undergone various developments in the whole franchise in Despicable Me 4; he tends to fight against the supervillain of the world along with the assistance of his wife, Lucy.

voice actors despicable me

2. Lucy Wilde - Kristen Wiig

Kristan Wiig is the voice behind Lucy Wilde, born in New York in 1973. Lucy Wilde is introduced in The Despicable Me 2, where she has to assist the GRU in fighting against the Villains of the world. Despicable Me 4 focuses on Lucy's relationship with the Gru, exploring how their work for the Anti-Villain League affected their relationship.

voices in despicable me

3. Margo - Miranda Cosgrove

Miranda Cosgrove is 30 years old and is the voice behind Miranda Cosgrove. Margo is an important part of the Despicable Me franchise and Edith and Agnes's elder sister. These three kids adopted by the Gru impressed the Gru pretty, making life impressive and looking like a family.

voices despicable me

4. Edith - Dana Gaier

If you talk about the voice actors in Despicable Me 4, Dana Gaier remains one of the best and most fantastic voice actors Despicable Me. Gaier perfectly played the role of Gaier in the Despicable Me franchise as she was a middle child.

Although Edith got the least attention in the franchise, the new brother Edith impacted her character arc impressively in Despicable Me 4.

voice actors in despicable me

5. Agnes - Madison Skyy Polan

Madison Skyy is only 9 years old and is the popular and attractive voice behind Agnes. She is the youngest daughter of the Gru naa and has been one of the most vibrant personalities in Despicable Me 4.

voice actors of despicable me

6. Maxime Le Mal - Will Ferrell

Will Ferrell is 56 years old and voiced Maxime Le Mal amazingly. He escapes the prison in the much-awaited film Despicable Me 4, and he is shown as the villain in Despicable Me 4, aiming to find the Gru and get revenge on him.

despicable me 4 cast

Part 2. Despicable Me 4 Voices & Minion Voice Generator

Speaking of Despicable Me, you must also be familiar with the characters of Minions, whose unique and funny voices and language have attracted a large number of fans. If you've fallen in love with minions and the voice actors in Despicable Me, and want to emulate the voice of the characters, iMyFone VoxBox can help your cause. It is one of the best text to speech generators.

Follow me to create a funny minion's voice.

Step 1: Download VoxBox. Click on the Voice Cloning icon to begin.

minion voice generator

Step 2: Follow the instructions step by step.

who voices the minions

Step 3: Then you can have your own cloned Minion's voice. Listen to it.

Click to clone other voices you like:

Part 3. FAQs About Despicable Me 4

1. Where to watch Despicable Me 4?

Although you can see pirated copies of Despicable Me 4 in multiple online websites, you can officially watch the fantastic film on Netflix.

2. Despicable Me 4 trailer release date

The first trailer of Despicable Me 4 was released on January 28, 2024. The trailer comes with the "Sweet Child O' Mine" song by the Maneater and Guns N' Roses.

3. When is Despicable me 4 coming out?

The evergreen and most anticipated animated movie, Despicable Me 4, is set to release on the 3rd of July 2024.

4. Will Vector return in Despicable Me 4?

The story of the Vector continued in the Despicable Me franchise's short film, Mooned, where you can see him stranded on Mars without clothing and equipment.

Since it is difficult to escape the Mar, the possibility of Vector 4 making an appearance in Despicable Me 4 is less likely.


Despicable Me 4 is one of the most awaited animated movies as some voice actors Despicable Me 4 are now ready to impress you with their voices. We have listed all the people voicing the characters who appeared in Despicable Me 4. VoxBox is the most recommended tool for emulating the voices in Despicable Me 4 by entering the prompt text.