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( Reviewed by 999 Users )

  • Nice voice changer
  • Easy to use!
  • 5 stars!
  • Quite useful!
  • Definitely recommended
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iMyFone MagicMic

( Reviewed by 999 Users )

Reviews of iMyFone MagicMic

iMyFone MagicMic has been widely praised as a real-time voice changer. Check reviews from our users below and feel free to leave your comments.

  • By HighGod Davis 2022-11-07

    love this thing man, so totally krazy k00L. so simple.

  • By Chadrick Sadler 2022-11-07

    Quite an enjoyable app, a bit of a shame that the voice changer doesnt function

  • By yertman47 7 2022-11-02

    Works perfectly for what I use it for.

  • By Naomi 2022-11-02

    If you're looking for voice chat on discord with a different voice this is for you.

  • By Spectahman 2022-11-02

    This app is great, works great for when I need to do voices for lives. The only critisms/minor nitpicks I have would probably be some of the voices sound a little bit too simliar, but the ones that are great, are great so I'd have an easier way for me to remember which note I used, but over all, this is great app, definitely recommend.

  • By Brad2032 2022-11-02

    I use a small number of softwares on my computer. This is one of them.

  • By Jamell Ortiz 2022-11-02

    Its a great app! You can use these voices for your YouTube videos, but the thing that really annoys me is that it captures the backround noises and makes that sound weird which I dont like but I get it its probleby hard to make that happen so I dont blame the creaters.

  • By Hotaru 2022-11-01

    I really enjoyed this app and I hope you do too!

  • By Chili with one L 2022-11-01

    Helpful on Omegle! I am girl,but i use male voice filters,lol

  • By BatMax 2022-11-01

    Extremely satisfied and I have tried to use many. If your looking for a great voice changer, then look no further, this is the one and I guarantee it.

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