Tech Specifications of Filme

Windows System Requirements

Supported OS : Windows 7/Windows 8.1/Windows 10 (32 & 64 bit OS).

Processor : Intel i3 or better multicore processor, 2GHz or above. (Intel 6th Gen or newer CPU recommended for HD).

RAM : 4 GB RAM (8GB required for HD).

Graphics : Intel HD Graphics 5000 or later; NVIDIA GeForce GTX 700 or later; AMD Radeon R5 or later. 2 GB vRAM (4GB required for HD).

Disk : At least 10GB free hard-disk space for installation (SSD-Solid State Disk recommended for editing HD).

Internet : Internet connection is necessary for software registration and access to online services.

Mac System Requirements

Supported OS : macOS v10.15 (Catalina), macOS v10.14 (Mojave), macOS v10.13 (High Sierra), macOS v10.12 (Sierra),OS X 10.11 (El Capitan), OS X 10.10 (Yosemite).

Processor : Intel i5 or better multicore processor, 2GHz or above. (Intel 6th Gen or newer CPU recommended for HD).

RAM : 8 GB RAM (16GB required for HD).

Graphics : Intel HD Graphics 5000 or later; NVIDIA GeForce GTX 700 or later; AMD Radeon R5 or later. 2 GB vRAM (4GB required for HD).

Disk : At least 10GB free hard-disk space for installation (SSD-Solid State Disk recommended for editing HD).

Internet : Internet connection is necessary for software registration and access to online services.

Supported Input Formats

Type Container formats
Video Formats *.3g2 *.3gp *.3gp2 *.3gpp *.amv *.asf *.avi *.bik *.divx *.dv *.f4v *.flv *.gvi *.gxf *.m1v *.m2v *.mod *.m2t *.m2ts *.m4v *.mkv *.mov *.mp4 *.mp4v *.mpe *.mpeg *.mpeg1 *.mpeg2 *.mpeg4 *.mpg *.mpv2 *.mts *.mxf *.mxg *.nsv *.nuv *.ogm *.ogv *.ps *.rec *.rm *.rmvb *.thp *.tod *.ts *.tts *.vob *.vro *.webm *.wm *.wmv *.wtv *.xesc
Audio Formats *.3ga *.669 *.a52 *.aac *.ac3 *.adt *.adts *.aif *.aiff *.amr *.aob *.ape *.awb *.caf *.dts *.flac *.it *.m4a *.m4b *.m4p *.m5p *.mka *.mlp *.mpa *.mp1 *.mp2 *.mp3 *.mpc *.mpga *.oga *.ogg *.oma *.opus *.qcp *.ra *.rmi *.s3m *.sid *.spx *.thd *.tta *.voc *.vqf *.w64 *.wav *.wma *.wv *.xa *.xm *.xac
Photo Formats *.bmp *.png *.jpg *.tif *.jpeg *.tiff

Supported Output Formats

Type Container Formats or Device/SNS Profiles
Video Formats MP4, AVI, MOV, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MKV, FLV, OGV
Audio Formats MP3, WAV, AAC, FLAC, OGG
Devices iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, iPod, Samsung Galaxy, Smart Phone, Android Generic, Google Pixel, Xbox one, PlayStation 4, PSP, Smart TV
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